We hope this message finds you well! As part of our efforts to reconnect with our classmates and ensure that everyone is included in our upcoming activities, we are reaching out for your assistance. We have a list of classmates whose contact information is missing, and we would greatly appreciate it if you could provide any email addresses or links to their Facebook or LinkedIn profiles. Our goal is to remove names from the "missing" list and create a more connected community.
Additionally, we want to honor the memory of those who have passed away by adding their names to our memorial page. If you are aware of any classmates who are no longer with us, please let us know. Your help is invaluable in achieving this important goal, and together we can ensure that no one is forgotten. Thank you for your support!
I want to send out a huge thank you to everyone who has reached out to us and provided contact information for many of our classmates. As you can see for yourselves we've been able to remove a couple more names from our missing Alumni list, and add them to our class mailing list, or to inform them of our class pages on FaceBook. Thank you again.
Finding former classmates has been, as you may think, is a painstaking process, and last month alone I reached out to several more potential classmates of our who I located on Facebook or LinkedIn. However, we still have a long long way to go.
We’re also going through our current list and making sure that everything is up to date. So you may find that some names have also been added to our list of missing. If you know anyone on the list please have them contact us so that we can remove them from the list of the MISSING, and include them on our e-mail list, or if they’re on FaceBook have them join one of the Ramsey groups.
If you know anyone on the list who may have unfortunteley and sadly passed away please let us know so that we can add those classmates to the memorial page.
Thank you and have a great day.
Updated 05/01/24
Debra Allen, Kristine Anderson, Mats Anderson, Sandra Armburst, Greg Armstrong, Clemens Aulich
Christie Bahnemann, Raymond Baker, Kathia Balcazar, Marcia Barritt, Jeanne Barron, Anna Baumann, Carol Beck, Bill Bennett, Ursula Bieniek, Sharon Bohl, Steve Boldt, David Brandsness, Susan Bruhn, Greg Buchal, Dave Buesing, Amy Buettmeier
Joseph Cardillo, Barbara Carlson, Mary Ellen Carlson, Kay Cashman, Dave Christofore, Doug Crocker
Don Dagostino, George Deflorin, John Deters, Darryl Dobesh, Mike Dorsch, Don Drews, Dan Dunleavy
Nancy Ehrreich, , Sue Elbers, Janice Ellmann, Diane Ettle
Mike Fahey, Roger Fairbanks, Pete Fisher, Kent Forbord, Scott Freyberger, Doug Frough, Marty Fuerst
Kim Gaul, Steve Gelking, Chris George, Roger German, Carl Gimm, Jim Gloeb, Dave Goff, Rich Gorman, Gaye Gravel, Monty Grayden, Chris Green, Tim Groh, Ann Guidarelli, Doug Gulbranson, Patriciah Gumede, Ken Gunderson, Ann Gustafson
Kris Hage, Joel Halvorsen, Christine Haselman, Tom Hassel, Sue Healy, Steve Heinz, Jeanine Herbst, Elizabeth Hinrichs, Jeraldine Hoffman, Jim Hofmeister, Derek Hogankamp, Steve Horn, Scott Yue Hou, Kathi Jo Hunziker, Mary Huberty
David isaac,
Mark James, Jay Jarvinen, Kari Jaschob, Carole Jentzen, David Johansen, Diane Johnson, Rebecca Jokimaki
Bob Kath, Gerald Kaufman, Diane Kaulfuss, John Joseph (J.J.) Kelly, Rebecca Kennedy, Carol Ketterling, John Klein, Randy Knops, Dave Knudtson, Pam Koester, Barb Kohler, Mark Kosanke, Elizabeth Koski, Kathleen Kranz, Gary Kroll, John Krueger, Nancy Kruger, Jeanne Kydd
Jeff Lane, Jerome LaVanier, Kristen Leaf, Larry Lee, Terry Lee, Helen Leung, Par Lindhe, Lisa Lindstrom, Cynthia Lobe, Dan Lorence
Bill Magnuson, Rick Mark, Paul Mathe, Kim Matthews, Rochelle May, Pat McCoy, James McCusker, Ann McGuire, Kim McGuire, Sandra Mcleod, John Mead, John Merrill, Jerome Meyer, Brad Moe, Noel Monardes, Nuhtashan Mondal, Steve Moore, Nancy Mowlem
Bruce Nelson, Mike Nemmers, Eric Netteberg, James Nordgaard
Deborah Olson, Greg Olson, Karin Olson, Eva Ortengren, Jan Osgood, Tom Otto, Doug Ouimet, Mark Overgaard
Dan Pearson, Jeff Pederson, Dan Person, Richard Peterson, Shelton Peterson, Lynn Phillips, Kathleen Pipes, John Plaschko, Wendy Portermain, Will Prouty, Carol Putz
Bill Quayle
James Rauschnot, Raymond Rhode, Mona Rice, Jeanne Rich, Joleen Riendeau, Brian Ritche, Denise Roach, Molly Robb, John Robichaud, Sandy Rohr, Bob Rust
Kyle Sandholm, Mary Sands, Dave Sauter, Carrie Saylor, Barb Sazevich, Paul Schaffhausen, Ken Schmid, Lori Schneiderhan, Steve Schreiner, Mike Schwartz, Lori Schwartzbauer, Tim Sether, Peggy Shearen, Cindy Shibrowski, Christine Smith, Tom Snyder, Scott Spencer, Bill Stahley, Beth Stecklein, Denise Steiner, Julie Strommer
Dan Teeter, Vicky Thalhuber, Becky Thatcher, Holly Theis, Jacqueline Thom, Jeanne Thomas, Dan Thompson, Rick Thorp, Mary Tillman, Sue Torgeson, Frank Tschida, Jon Tucker
Kathleen Ulbricht
Debra Van Heel, Gordon Vincent, Michel Vogel, Jean Vossberg
Dan Wagge, Jeff Walcheski, Theodore Wald, Lynn Wamstad, Laurie Wandtke, Mike (Micky) Ward, Ron Webber, Steve Weber, Lisa Wedeking, Al Weleczki, Jo Anne Welsch, Robin Westland, Darla Whipple, Mike Williams, Kim Wilson, Tracy Woodward, Brian Wurzer
X – Y –
Mike Zehms, Bruce Zeilinger
The committee is working hard to keep this list up to date and accurate. Please help us locate our missing Rams so that we can keep them updated as to future events that we have planned.
434 Karen Way, Unit F, Woodbury, Minnesota 55129, United States
Copyright © 2024 Alexander Ramsey Class of 1979 - All Rights Reserved.